Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday Worship

I am so blessed to go to an amazing church filled with people that love our God whole heartedly and a Pastoral staff that preaches the Word. We have been at this church since I was 13, I am so thankful for every minute that I have been there. Today they didn't have Wee Worship for Sophia, so she got to sit in church with Matt and I. She was really well behaved, but randomly said things like "your church is so boring.." Silly girl! We had a missionary speak today who was from Papua New Guinea. It was amazing hearing how they were able to translate the Bible into the "Mesem" peoples language, when prior to this translation, many words that we have in English or Arabic or Greek are not words that the Mesem people have. For example, even though these people live in the jungle they don't have words for branches or vine.... So when they went to translate the verse's from John 15 "I am the vine and you are the branches..." they didn't have the right words. So when they were able to come and translate this verse they came up a word for the vine, and translated the verse to say "I am the vine, and you are my hands." How true is that? We are His Hands, we are His Hands here on earth. We have so much work to do, so much of His love to share. I was so inspired by this man's story and the work that he has done for God's kingdom. I only hope that I can make a difference like that in this world. Here are pictures of my little munchkins today before church Sam's rash has faded and is much less itchy. He has complaining to d only a little bit about it today. It will be interesting to hear what his pediatrician, and immunologist have to say about this....

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