Sunday, July 15, 2012

Kayaking with Daddy

When Matt and I were dating, and prior to when we had Sam we used to go kayaking kind of regularly. It was so fun. A few times we just tossed the kayaks in the water and went down a river somewhere and camped right out of the kayaks. We had a lot of adventures in them. The year Sam turned one we took him kayaking once or twice, and then the following year Matt went a time or two. But I haven't been in several years. The kids always see the kayaks and want to go in them. Last weekend when we went camping we brought them with us. It was Sophia's first time kayaking ever! She was so excited about it! She is such a little peanut she went right in the little storage part of the kayak. Since we were just in a little lake she was perfectly safe there.
While we were camping there was a triathalon at the lake where we were. They had the big bouys marking the path that they needed to swim around. The bouys were still out in the water so the kids wanted to kayak out to them. I zoomed in on the camera to see the kids, but you can see how far they were in the other one...
When they came back to shore, Sam wanted to paddle the kayak himself. He and his friend Owen and Owen's sister Lillian had a great time paddling around close to shore, with Matt holding on to make sure they didn't get away:-)
And just a few more pics from the water...

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