Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pneumonia, VBS, and Duck eggs

Hows that for a crazy title? Crazy about sums up my week! Our church has VBS this week. And the theme is "Sky" I have noticed several other churches have done this theme this year as well. WE get over two hundred kids coming to our VBS each year. Last year I was pregnant with Mr P and couldn't help out very much. But this year I have been in the nursery with all of the workers babies, and have been the "nurse on call" for emergencies. I am praising God that we haven't had any emergencies this week, lots of bandaids and stuff but nothing terrible. My kiddos are having an amazing time. Sophia jsut loves any type of characters and therefore has had such a great time each day with the different costumed characters. It has been a little bit of a challenge this week with Sam since he has the food allergy issue this year. But praise God we have really been able to find something comparable for snack so he didn't feel so different than everyone else. I have NO PICS of Sam from this week yet but maybe tomorrow....
In other news I FINALLY heard back from Sam's GI doctor regarding duck eggs. He said we could go ahead and trial them with Sam and see how he does since they are a different species and different type of protein. So far he has had them twice and hasn't complained of any worsening belly pain. He hasn't been not complaining though either. So not sure... I also have done some more research about his IVIG product, and have heard that a side affect has been aseptic meningitis. Now after his last IVIG he complained for a couple of days that he had a headache (which he has NEVER done before) So I am so anxious about the next infusion. Please be praying that all goes well tomorrow as the plan is to do it tomorrow. Miss Sophia is also sick. She actually started with a little cough on tuesday night. It was a dry non-productive cough. She didn't have a fever, and didn't really seem too bothered by it until today. I actually had worked the last couple of nights, but Matt had reported that the cough was worse at night. So today when she got up she seemed ok, but looked pretty tired. We went to VBS and then afterwards to our friends lake. She DIDN'T want to play! She actually just wanted to sit and watch everyone else. At this point I had already called the doctors office, and was waiting for a call back. But while we were at the lake club she just was pretty quiet and not at all herself. I was really starting to get concerned. (SIDE NOTE: due to her not feeling well she was being held by Jeremy, Meg's husband, and she said to him "you have big man boobs!" I was mortified. She says some of the most embarassing things. But by the time we left the lake club she just was really feeling pretty crumby. I called the doctors office again, and then also paged her. She thankfully said that she could come right in and be seen. And poor munchkin has pneumonia! She is very miserable. And just this afternoon has been spiking fevers over 103!!! Poor pumpkin, please be praying for her.

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