Friday, February 25, 2011

8 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 8 Weeks
Doctor: No appointment yet, but a continuous fiasco. When I saw the high
risk OB in january they said that I would be able to be followed
by them and by a doctor out here, so if I did go to full term
I could deliver out here. But now they are saying they won't.
The doctors here will still take me, and could just transfer me
if they needed to so at this point I may not continue to see
High Risk unless a complication arises.
Size of baby: is a tiny bit longer than half an inch long

Development: This week the baby's heart has separated into four distinct
chambers and is beating around 150 beats per minute. Webbed
toes and fingers will start to form this week.

Sleep: I am exhausted, waking up a ton, with my mind racing thinking about
the next few months, and praying that this precious miracle will stay
inside for at least 38weeks and have no complications

What I miss: A good night's sleep kind of:-)

Cravings: None really

Symptoms: VOMITING, vomiting and more vomiting. I am blessed as this time
around doesn't seem nearly as severe as with Sam and SOphia. I
am still very tired but doing well.

Best Moment this week: I finally had an HCG level done and found out that
my level was over 43,000 so I was so excited about it. Also was
happy to schedule first appointments and learn that I could be
delivered locally if I can make it to term this time. I was so
excited that I physically hugged Dr. D today when she said she
would take me on as a patient!!!!:-)

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