Saturday, February 15, 2014

First Foods

The day little Miss Paisley turned 6 months I baked her some sweet potatoes for her first meal. She had seemed interested in food for a little while but not overly so we hadn't even tried anything yet. I love being able to make something wholesome and nutritious and know that there are no preservatives or chemicals in it. I have found lots of great websites for baby food making, but my absolute favorite is Wholesome Baby. This site goes through absolutely. everything that I had questions about. It talks about each food group, grains, dairy etc. There is discussions about when and how to feed. Allergy info, contamination info, etc etc. If you are looking for a great site, look no further. This first batch of food that I made included sweet potatoes, peas, apples, squash, and plums. And then different combinations with those foods. I love to bake the foods as the foods taste much better in my opinion and the nutrients remain. She loved her first meal. Now if she was just a bit bigger in this high chair it would be perfect.

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